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The Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas : why Is It So Polluting ?

The Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas : why Is It So Polluting ?

We’ve heard it in the news, seen the protests and read the reports: shale gas has become a significant source of global concern due to its environmental impacts. As we strive for sustainable energy alternatives, it’s essential to understand why shale gas carries such a weighty environmental cost. In this article, we will delve into what shale gas is, how it’s extracted, and the concomitant effects on our environment and health.

What is Shale Gas ?

The Basics of Shale Gas

Shale gas refers to natural gas trapped within layers of shale rock. This unconventional resource has gained popularity as an alternative energy source over traditional fossil fuels like coal and oil. Although it’s a cleaner option when burned, releasing fewer pollutants into the atmosphere compared to its counterparts, the extraction process paints a different picture.

The Extraction Techniques of Shale Gas

Hydraulic Fracturing

The primary method used to extract shale gas is hydraulic fracturing or « fracking.  » This technique involves injecting high-pressure water mixed with chemicals into the rock formation to release the trapped gas. The backlash ? Soil contamination and pollution of both ground water sources and fracking fluids.

Having understood how shale gas is retrieved from our Earth, let’s examine its direct ecological implications.

Direct Environmental Impacts from Shale Gas Exploration

Landscape Disruption and Water Pollution

Massive drilling sites disrupt landscapes causing habitat loss while large amounts of water used during fracking turn once fertile land into arid zones. Moreover, chemically infused fracking fluids contaminate nearby water bodies posing risks to aquatic life and human health.

With these alarming facts at hand, it becomes clear why the extraction process has been linked to seismic activity.

Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity

The Link Between Fracking and Earthquakes

As fracking involves pumping high-pressure fluids into rock formations, it can induce seismic activities. These « man-made » earthquakes due to shale gas operations have sparked global concern over this energy resource.

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The ecological impact is substantial, but so are its effects on local communities.

Health Consequences for Local Populations

Public Health Controversies

Aside from environmental disruptions, shale gas exploration poses serious health risks to nearby residents. Exposure to contaminated air and water can lead to a series of health complications ranging from respiratory disorders to neurological issues.

Yet, despite these adverse impacts, the economic allure remains potent.

The Economic Stake vs. Ecological Urgency

The Dilemma of Shale Gas

Shale gas has contributed significantly to energy affordability, particularly in the United States where large-scale extraction since the 2000s has led to plummeting energy prices. However, these economic benefits are countered by pressing ecological concerns demanding immediate attention.

This clash of interests propels us into a realm rife with regulation disputes and controversies.

Regulations and Controversies Surrounding Shale Gas

The Regulatory Battle Over Shale Gas

In countries like France, despite authorization from the European Commission in 2014, permits for research and exploitation of shale gas remain elusive due to governmental refusal based on environmental grounds. The regulatory contention surrounding this resource underscores its complex nature.

Looking forward, what does the future hold for shale gas ?

Global Perspectives and Alternatives to Shale Gas

Shifting Away From Shale Gas

In the face of growing environmental, health, and regulatory concerns, attention is shifting towards sustainable energy alternatives. The transition will be gradual but appears to be inevitable considering the mounting global pressure for climate action.

If there’s one thing we can take away from our exploration into shale gas, it’s this: while it may present short-term economic advantages, its long-term environmental and health impacts are far too significant to be ignored. The debate over shale gas serves as a reminder of the complex challenges we face in our pursuit of sustainable energy sources.

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